Stock Control
SalesPoint has full stock control automatic tracking so than you can see your stock levels from anywhere, and get reports on items which require re-ordering.
Pre-weighed Items
Use weigh scales that print a ready made barcode with the product price and scan it straight into SalesPoint.
Customer Accounts
Charge accounts let your customers make purchases then send invoices and statements all from SalesPoint.
Scale Support
Plug in scales and SalesPoint will automatically read the weight and calculate the cost.
Print Weighed Barcodes
Using scales and a label printer SalesPoint makes a cost effect weigh scale solution.
Profit & Revenue Reports
Get insights into which products are performing the best and which product lines need to be refreshed or discontinued.
Stock Value
See the value of your entire stock, over cost, retail and markup value.
Gift Cards
Sell, track, and report on gift cards.
Park sales which will be completed later. Add payments as they are made. Recall the sale when it's ready to be completed.
Email Receipts
Save the planet and its trees by emailing your customer a receipt rather than printing it out, and at the same time - add them to your customer database!
Customer Display
Use a secondary display to show your customers purchased items, totals or a promotional slideshow.
Gift vouchers, pricing calculator, suppliers and much more!